Blog Articles About Tinks

Infertility and Miracle Babies: The Story of the Tinks

April 23-29 is National Infertility Awareness Week in the US and today, my sister Janne tells her story of infertility, treatment, and two amazing miracle babies. Many of you have followed the Tinks from they were born, but you may not know that they came to be because of infertility treatment. The Tinks at 2…

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Cherry Jelly and Other Christmas Disasters

It all started with the cherries. Photo by Janne Andersen We should have known this was an omen. Instead, we saw it as the perfect opportunity to say “you f*cked up again, mom,” laugh, and move on. Until it was time to make the ris a la mande. Which is not supposed to be mushy,…

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AWOL Blogger Reporting

Um… hi. Remember me? I know it’s been a while since you last heard from me and I apologize. The thing is, I’m taking August off to write the next Your Life with RA book (or at least part of it) and that’s required quite a bit of work to get ready. I could go…

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Tinks, Bubblewrap, and a Birthday

It’s April. How did it get to be April?? I must’ve blinked… April means Easter and Easter means a visit by the Tinks. This year, it also meant celebrating my mother’s birthday. Well, the first celebration. We are waiting with the grand shindig for when she is fully recovered from her hip replacement surgery.  Instead,…

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Christmas, Tinksmas, and a Dog

Well, hi there! Remember me? I’ve woefully neglected the blog for the better part of two weeks while immersed in making Something Special, which I can’t talk about quite yet. Stay tuned! In between the “making Something Special,” Christmas happened and it was a wonderful break from working. The weather cooperated, which after last winter…

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The Tinks, Spring Party and… Frogs?

It’s finally warm enough to send the kids out to the playground, so that means it’s time for the annual Spring party! Seems like a good enough reason to me… It’d been a while since we had a party, so an extra effort needed to be made. That meant party hats. Or rather, party animal…

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Happy 8th Birthday, Tinks!

It started like this 8 years ago A couple of weeks ago, we gathered the clan together to celebrate the Tinks’ 8th birthday a little early. The stars of the day hung out with friends and family. I caught Liam in a rare quiet moment while Morgan explained something to someone. As a true Andersen…

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Easter Tinks

Things went a little nutty last week and the blog suffered. Again. Sorry, blog. Better late than never? Last weekend, the Tinks came to visit and we all went out for lunch to celebrate the long weekend and two birthday goddesses: my mother and my sister. First, as is traditional, The Boy was covered in…

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A Tink Christmas

Hi there! I’m not quite sure where the past week went, but I think it had something to do with rest and relaxation. So no thoughtful; New Year’s post this year. Instead, I’ll share the annual love extravaganza that is Christmas amongst the Andersens. Which in a way will serve as its own thoughtful New…

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The Tinks are 7!

I have no idea how this happened, but somehow, my wee babies – OK, my sister’s wee babies – are now 7 years old. A couple of weeks ago, we all got together to celebrate. We started at my mother’s and as usual, the minute David sat down, he had a pile of Tinks on…

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Going to Gondwana

This weekend, we went to see the Ultimate Dinosaurs: Giants from Gondwana exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum. Basic story: big dinosaurs from the southern hemisphere. Really big. We did a herd excursion – somewhat fitting, what with the herds of extinct creatures – piling friends and kids into one group and got set loose…

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Lunch with the Tinks

Last week was March break here in Ontario and my sister brought the kids for a lovely lunch and a visit. Liam has joined the race to adult teeth and then some, losing both bottom front teeth and one at the top Time for a serious chat sister to bother  Mormor and Liam playing squares…

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