The Tinks, Spring Party and… Frogs?

It’s finally warm enough to send the kids out to the playground, so that means it’s time for the annual Spring party! Seems like a good enough reason to me…

It’d been a while since we had a party, so an extra effort needed to be made. That meant party hats. Or rather, party animal party hats. The Boy suffered the ignominy of wearing both a teeny little bunny hat, plus simultaneously getting bunny eared.

I tried out the bunny thing, too

Photo by David

A few weeks ago, I met two wonderfully fluffy, ginormous frogs at a local store. Naturally, I had to get them for the Tinks. Did I mention they’re huge?

Morgan named hers Waffles. Of course. Liam started a staring contest with his. They’re still at it.

The Boy came bearing treats. From a nutfree bakery! Everything was decadently delicious, but the chocolate-caramel bars were the biggest hit. 

For me, The biggest hit was being able to eat everything. Not that I did — I sampled quite a few, but there was a lot of sugar, so I stuck to the sampling. It’s moments like this that makes you realize how limited you are in party situations when you have food allergies. The freedom of being able to eat anything I wanted was profound. The Boy knows what he’s on about.

After all that sugar, we naturally needed to burn it off, so we descended on the playground. Morgan and I played a game where we alternated authorship of a story, each telling a chapter

Others engaged in activities that would’ve caused their parents to have a heart attack, had they been outside. Luckily, they weren’t, so no parents were harmed in this game

Spending an afternoon surrounded by good friends and family was a pretty spectacular way to celebrate a Saturday.

Ahh… summer’s here. Time to dream.

What did you do this weekend?

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  1. carlascorner on May 27, 2014 at 5:36 pm

    Sounds like a marvelous time. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Sheldaine on May 27, 2014 at 8:37 pm

    A lovely post. I was practically there with you!

  3. AlisonH on May 28, 2014 at 2:34 am

    Blink. Wow at that jump shot.

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