Blog Articles About Tinks

Tinks at the ROM

This weekend, we took the Tinks to the Royal Ontario Museum so they could see dinosaurs – ‘scuse me, DINOSAURS! – for the first time. Liam quickly found one and posed happily We’d rented a wheelchair for Mormor (Danish for Grandma) so she could enjoy the day instead of walking miles. I think the kids…

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Christmas Shenanigans

Coming up for air after a weekend of immersion in the Christmas spirit is an oddly disconcerting experience. It’s back to work and I’d much rather stay within the warmth and joy of what in Danish is called Julehygge. In other words, hygge specific to Jul (Christmas). It’s a good place to be. The Boy…

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The Tinks Turn 6

Yes, they do. Today, in fact. I don’t know how they went from this to who they are today, but I’m enhjoying every minute! We had a wonderful party for them a couple of weeks ago. Herewith a few pics for the day. I was in charge of distracting the wee monsters while everyone else…

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Tinks at Sugar Beach

The kids (and their parents) visited to celebrate the long weekend. We hung out at mor’s first. Liam’s obsessed with reading and already reads at a grade 3 level. They just graduated kindergadern. I’m so proud I could burst. then conspired with David about sharks and elephants and which could be invisible. There was some…

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Tink Day

This past weekend, the Tinks were here to celebrate the Family Day holiday. I taught Liam the concept of pet yarn (cue all the knitters out there saying a collective awwww… Morgan has lost her first toothand swallowed it, so she had to write a letter to the Tooth Fairy explaining what happened. Luckily, the…

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A Tink & Sadie Christmas

We have a new addition to the family! Sadie celebrated her first Christmas with us on Friday and was a terrific addition to the festivities. And just who is Sadie, you ask? Michele’s new Jack Russel-Corgi puppy Adorable – as Morgan said once or twice – and has a wonderful personality. We all had a…

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Then Photo by a Tink Parent Now Happy 5th birthday, my lovies!

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Tinks with Bubbles

The Tinks came this past weekend and Mormor (Danish for grandma) had bought bubble paraphenalia. And we all had a glorious time. John got us started with a couple of beautiful ones The Janne had to outdo us all I got into it, too But let’s not kid ourselves. The most important people there were…

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The Tinks Meet Lucy

But first we gathered at mor’s for a multi-birthday celebration (suffice to say there were 5 birthday songs). Liam experimented with facial hair Morgan always starts the visit with being a barnacle on mormor A really excellent photo of Ken’s knees (I’d forgotten to switch off the macro setting) Morgan’s been bit by the photo…

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Anything Can Be A Toy

After mor’s party last Sunday, Morgan and I played a game. She was a fire fighter, I was (no surprise) the firetruck and the balloon served as the hose. I don’t know which one I like best. This one, for the look on Morgan’s faceOr this one, for the sense of sheer abandon (Photos by…

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75th Birthday Party

Mor’s birthday party was held yesterday with a fantastic turnout of almost 60 friends and family, ranging from 3 months to 90+ years. The Birthday Goddess was suitably attired in a tiara for the duration Stewart has a serious discussion with Morgan The youngest, Aryka And on the other side of the continuum, Edith Then…

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Easter Tinks

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