Blog Articles About Tinks

Love Tinks

The Tinks came to visit on Valentine’s Day, a balm for sadness. Morgan is increasingly demonstrating the perfect storm of what happens when you mix a radio announcer with an Andersen woman: the talking never stops. The kids are learning at lightning speeds, going through workbooks and having a blast Janne/TinkMama helps Liam with the…

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Tinkified Christmas

As we walked down the street to my mother’s, it was snowing. A quiet evening, crisp and cold, with gentle snow falling from the sky, leaving just enough of a covering on the ground to leave marks of shoes and tires. It was a movie Christmas moment, the kind of perfect that doesn’t happen except…

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Tink 4th Birthday

Who’d have thinked that these wee babies would four years later become these lovely kids? Sure, you expect them to grow, but never know how that growth is going to turn out. The Tinks are bright, creative, energetic, talkative (ok, that one’s not so much a surprise given the rest of the family), loving kids…

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Family Visits

Remember AB? She’s been again and this time, she brought her family – her husband Bjarke and their kids Camilla and Chris. As usual, being with AB felt like home and despite not having seen the kids since 2005 and Bjarke for at least as long, it was like we hadn’t been apart for more…

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Tink Weekend

My loves came by this weekend, along with their staff (Janne and John). It was the family celebration of John’s birthday – birthday boy here seen with cake, Janne and Liam’s arm. Liam had great fun with blueberries Morgan cuddled with a Schnauzer puppy (ed: plush, not real) gifted by Mormor (grandmother in Danish) Big…

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Easter Tinks

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Family Day

This is the second Family Day long weekend (it was invented last year) and we did just that. Spent time with family. Although based on the photos, you’d think there were no adults there. For Morgan, one of the highlights of lunch at mormor’s (Danish for grandma) is french stick with butter.Liam liked sitting in…

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A Tink Christmas

For those of you who are new to my little corner of the world, I need to introduce the Tinks. Three years ago, my sister and brother-in-law created a set of beautiful twins named Morgan and Liam – I blogged about the day they were born here and John (a.k.a. TinkPapa) gave the background of…

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