Tink Day

This past weekend, the Tinks were here to celebrate the Family Day holiday. I taught Liam the concept of pet yarn (cue all the knitters out there saying a collective awwww

Morgan has lost her first toothand swallowed it, so she had to write a letter to the Tooth Fairy explaining what happened. Luckily, the Tooth Fairy understood

John/TinkPapa had told Liam to bring the Amazing Spiders book because Moster Lene find it so very fascinating. Subsequently, John is not getting any birthday present form me this year. Liam is reading at a grade 3 level already and read the word arachnophobia correctly on the first try. Which is better than I did when I first saw that word.

Morgan is the product of two chocoholics and is here seen exclaiming about how wonderful chocolate is

And then there was what can only be described as a mosh pit in a corner of the living room

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  1. Colleen on February 23, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    Here is a great book for “damage control” that one sometimes needs when kids encouter those less friendly to the tooth fairy concept (see how discreet I'm being?).  http://www.amazon.com/Real-Tooth-Fairy-Marilyn-Kaye/dp/0152001204

    It's about how the tooth fairy makes herself look like someone the child knows and trusts, so as to not scare them, should they wake up 😉    My kids loved that book!

    BTW, if the tooth fairy ran out of books (she brought books to my family!), or had too many kids who lost first teeth, so ran out of time (knowing kids who were loosing their 6th teeth were mature enough to understand), she sometimes delivered a book a night or two late, with an appropriate note in the book….

  2. Anonymous on February 23, 2011 at 6:16 pm

    Love it love it love it. And that last picture says it all! Our Parker isn't going to stay little long either, is he.

  3. Marie on February 23, 2011 at 8:53 pm

    I'm with you on the subject of spiders.  Ick!

  4. Cathryn on February 24, 2011 at 2:53 am

    Aww.  I remember losing a loose tooth when I was about Morgan's age.  Gracious, how I panicked!  Good thing the Tooth Fairy is so understanding, huh?  And it's never too early to start loving chocolate (or disliking spiders). 

  5. Diane on February 24, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    Good spider = dead spider 

  6. Kitten on February 25, 2011 at 2:13 am

    Bug has three loose teeth, but none have fallen out yet.

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