Blog Articles by Month: March 2011


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I’d planned to do my own Best Movie Oscar nominees post, but the effort was hampered by… well, life. However, in the last week or so I’ve had the opportunity to watch both The King’s Speech and Black Swan and other than both being Best Movie nominees and both the actors playing the main characters nabbing an…

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The Future’s So Bright: a Good Time to Have RA

I’ve mentione dthe November RA forum here before, but now there are details about what I learned on MyRACentral:     “I am in a large room in a downtown Toronto hotel, chairs lined up facing the front and around me are over 300 other people, most of whom are here for the same reason…

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The Path to Sugar Beach

Settle in folks, this one’s a bit long…. We have a large amount of waterfront here in Toronto, nestled as we are along the shores of Lake Ontario. For a very long time, there’s been talk of revitalizing the waterfront and not too long ago, the three levels of government (municipal, provincial and federal) got…

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A little over 38 years ago, my parents sat me down and told me I’d be getting a present in early Spring. I guessed a bike, but it was a sister instead. And she’s still the best present I’ve ever received.               Happy birthday, Janne!   

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10 Years

Today it has been 10 years of life without my father and it is hard for all of us to understand it’s been this long. I remember that St. Patrick’s Day in 2001 with crystal clarity. Remember the call from the nursing home that said if I wanted to be there, I should come quick,…

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Kodo. Heartbeat. For them.  

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Me & My Shadow

I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Well, now they call it Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, but a rose by any other name is still a pain in the arse. I have lived with RA for over four decades and there are times when I’ve thought about how even really bad…

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The Cost of Pain: Shedding Life, Shedding Love

This week on MyRACentral, I muse about the cost of pain – financial, sure, but primarily social: “If you live with chronic pain, you are not alone. Pain affects more than 76 million people in the US, more than cancer, diabetes and heart disease combined. It is estimated that conditions involving chronic pain cost the…

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Long in the Tooth

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Book Review: Abigail Adams

I never had an answer to the question that gets sent around in e-mail every now and again. You know the one – “if you could choose any person from history to talk to for an hour, who would it be?” Everybody wants to talk to Buddha, Jesus or JFK and I’ve no idea what…

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