
Tinks, Bubblewrap, and a Birthday

It’s April. How did it get to be April?? I must’ve blinked…

April means Easter and Easter means a visit by the Tinks. This year, it also meant celebrating my mother’s birthday. Well, the first celebration. We are waiting with the grand shindig for when she is fully recovered from her hip replacement surgery. 

Instead, we did the quiet family celebration at my mother’s. With the combo celebration of the holiday and birthday, there was a lot of chocolate.

The Boy imitated the Easter Bunny making a home delivery of just about the cutest Easter baskets I had ever seen in my life. Naturally, I had to get them for the kids. My only regret was that I got the last two and I couldn’t buy one for everyone.

Can you believe how big they’ve grown? Wasn’t it just last week they looked like this?


There was presents and cards and bubblewrap. The photos involving the latter were all a blur of popping and play fights, so I’m sticking to the slower activity of opening a card



As usual, most photos of me involved a camera.


 Photo by David 

Which was entirely justified, based on how many really great shots I got. Such as Morgan bugging her brother and Liam practicing his paparazzi gesture.


Janne had bought a fantastic cake and, bless her, baked something nutfree and chocolatey for me. Which gave all of us the opportunity to confirm that the combination of raspberries and chocolate is heaven on earth. Really, there’s nothing better.


Photo by David 

Every now and again, you have a day where everything just works. Which is most of the time when we all get together — we are really good at leaving stress and problems outside the door and just reveling in each other’s company. We always have a good time together, but there are days that transcend merely good and become perfection. This weekend was one of those times. The kids were joyously rambunctious and it was contagious.


This just about sums it up.


How was your weekend?

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  1. Full Tilt on April 8, 2015 at 11:15 pm

    Sounds like a lovely time. My weekend was okay, the beginning of Passover so enjoyed time with a friend and her extended family for a seder and LOTS of food! Belated good wishes for your Mother.

  2. Carol Garnier on April 9, 2015 at 1:10 am

    Glad you had a good holiday. Can't believe how grown the Tinks are getting. I started following you when they were babies. And you look terrific.

  3. Wren on April 9, 2015 at 3:32 am

    I always love your posts about your family and the Tinks–there's a burst of joy between each and every word. They're darling kids, and I'm with Carol–you look great, Lene! Love the sweatshirt. I dream of French bulldogs. Growing up, we had Boston Terriers, boxers, and an English bulldog, so I'm sorta partial to boxy, pushed-in, laughing dog-faces. :o)

    Happy, happy birthday to you Mom! She looks great, too.

  4. cathy kramer on April 10, 2015 at 11:01 am

    Lene, I love this post! You can hear your happiness!

    How cute are those baskets???? Happy birthday to your mom and how sweet of your sister to make you a special cake. You are so loved.