Blog Articles by Month: March 2015

Disability Diaspora

I only have a few days left. On April 1, this Wednesday, they will come for me. So many of the people I know have already been moved, I am one of the last. I have connections, I fight back, but still, it is inevitable. It started slowly, with some cuts to funding. With exhortations…

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Longing for Out: The Itch to Travel

I caught the travel bug early. One of my first memories is of a trip to a rented cottage near the sea that happened when I was four years old. Another favourite was my first experience with flying when my dad and I went to Rhodes just after my sister Janne was born. I was…

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A Trip to Allan Gardens Conservatory

Toronto has just come out of the worst February on record. As we entered into March, we reached 43 days in a row with sub-zero (Celsius) weather. The ice in the harbour is over 18 inches (almost half a meter!), so thick that the ferry service to the Toronto Islands has been suspended. Still is….

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Thoughts on Sacrifice

(no, not the type that involves sharp instruments) It’s been two years since Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Tools for Managing Treatment, Side Effects and Pain was published. It’s the first in a projected series of three, but is so far an only child. Well, if you don’t count the redheaded stepchild called 7 Facets:…

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Practicing What I Preach

Whenever I write about RA and its potential impact on heart health, I describe the symptoms of heart attack, then describe how they may be different for women, and then I strongly encourage people who have those symptoms to call 911 and get themselves to an emergency room. A desire to not be a hypocritical…

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