Blog Articles by Month: May 2015

Moments of Spring

It’s a beautiful day, sunny and warm with a fresh breeze. I know where I want to be and leave the house within an hour of getting up. I’m headed for the islands. I get to the ferry terminal well in time for the 11 o’clock ferry. This is a good thing, because a bed…

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Among the ELITE

Being recognized is always nice. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t get an extra spring in their step when they’re told they’re doing good stuff. It certainly makes me happy every time I get a comment on email from someone saying they appreciate my writing and my advocacy. I keep every single one of them….

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10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor when Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis

1. What caused my rheumatoid arthritis?  2. How might my rheumatoid arthritis progress, and what is my prognoses? 3. How advanced is my rheumatoid arthritis? If there is already damage to my joints, is there anything I can do to reverse it? 4. If I am diagnosed with one autoimmune disease, does it put me…

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Why I’m Walking*

*This being the theorectical walking in my wheelchair.  I’d like you to meet my friend Brad (and his babies Bella and Myah). He and I were the double act in the #LiveBold RA update released earlier this year. Go ahead. Watch it. I loved the first RA multimedia story, but this one is my favourite….

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Ten Years Later

What am I doing with a blog? That’s what I asked myself in my very first post on The Seated View. Which was ten years ago today. I also thought (briefly) that I didn’t have much to say. Almost 1500 posts later, I think we know the answer to that one. So, what did I…

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Aging Rocker Chick Sees Concert

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