
Aging Rocker Chick Sees Concert

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  1. Kaz on May 5, 2015 at 8:31 am

    When Simon and Garfunkle did their last tour, we got premier tickets via a friend in the industry. Clearly, however, there were a LOT of sweet young things who'd dressed for a nightclub sitting in nearby seats who were there to be seen, rather than for the artists (who, BTW were AWESOME), given that their faces were buried in their phones for the entire concert – I kid you not. Clearly they'd had their seats paid for – they were far from cheap in that area – or they'd have been paying attention…because it beats me why someone would pay hundreds of dollars to not watch and engage with the event…
    My reaction was similar to yours – welcome to the age of reason – bugger it being middle age!

  2. Full Tilt on May 5, 2015 at 10:06 pm

    I've almost given up on being an aging rocker chick…The last time I went to a concert, a stranger dropped beer in my lap…the bottle broke and the glass wasn't particularly good for my wheels…
    Nowadays, I stick to the occasional symphony in the park…more family friendly and polite.

  3. Marianna Paulson on May 6, 2015 at 2:15 am

    It's the one time you want those yakkers at shows, movies, performances, weddings and funerals (nothing is sacred) to text!

    Despite it all, I'm glad you enjoyed the show!

    One of my favourite JCM songs is, well, all of them!