
Easter Tinks

Things went a little nutty last week and the blog suffered. Again. Sorry, blog. Better late than never?

Last weekend, the Tinks came to visit and we all went out for lunch to celebrate the long weekend and two birthday goddesses: my mother and my sister.

First, as is traditional, The Boy was covered in Tinks in 1.2 nanoseconds.

We thought this more appropriate for Palm Sunday, actually

Muffin was shocked

Morgan’s getting a lot of joy out of her camera

while Liam had an intense discussion with my sister about life, the universe and everything

Then off we went to a local pub for lunch. You can tell Spring is here by the patio preparations. Which naturally meant a petting zoo for children (here impersonating chickens)

At lunch, Liam and Scott got into a staring contest. 

Photo by Janne/TinkMama

While I was fascinated by the biggest French fry I’ve ever seen

Liam and Morgan “borrowed” Scott’s phone to play Angry Birds

 Back at my mother’s, the kids showed off their twin-ness

Yup. They’re related alright.

Words…. must… read… words…

My mother and Morgan doing their favourite thing to do with each other


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  1. AlisonH on April 8, 2013 at 6:07 pm

    Beautiful. Thank you all for the big smile on my face now.

  2. Marianne on April 8, 2013 at 6:20 pm

    Awww. Thanks for sharing all the photos, and yeah, that last one… heart and soul touching (which is what they're doing).

  3. Eileen on April 9, 2013 at 3:22 pm

    That wasn't a french fry – that was a good British chip! Always identifiable by being large and fat and usually a bit sort of limp and bendy…