Blog Articles by Month: March 2013

Evidence vs. Experience

I have what can best be described as a crapload of allergies. Some of them have been around since I was a kid — if I ate too many grapes or apples, I’d get hives — but others are new additions. First came kiwi, then 15 years ago certain kinds of nuts arrived, taking with…

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Blog Tour: Getting Closer to Myself

The latest stop on the Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis Blog Tour is Getting Closer to Myself, Leslie Rott’s blog about living with the double whammy of RA and lupus. Leslie is a graduate student in sociology and asked some great questions. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic. You can…

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Better Than Chewing!

I blame Laurie for this. A week ago, she wrote about incorporating more fruits and vegetables in her diet by making smoothies. Kale smoothies, in particular. My naturopath has been trying to get me into smoothies for while (a long while), but no luck so far. Then I read Laurie’s post and got all excited…

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Happy 40th, Janne!

Today, my little sister turns 40 years old. It seems impossible. I mean, she looked like this just the other day My mother has a theory. For as long as I can remember, she’s told us that women come into their own at 40.That this is the age where you stop being so worried about…

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Real RA: The Great Pretender

People with RA lie all the time. How are you?  Fine. You? How’s the pain today? Not bad. Are you worried? Not at all. I’m sure everything will be OK.  It’s a necessity of life with this damn disease. If you’re honest, not only will your friends and family start avoiding you, but you’ll start…

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Blog Tour: MyLungsMyLife

Jenni is 16 years old, lives in the UK and has the best Twitter handle I’ve seen in a while: @pinger_genguin. Brilliant, right? She raises awareness about chronic and invisible illnesses on her blog MyLungsMyLife. Earlier this week, I wrote a guest post for her about juvenile arthritis.  Thanks so much for hosting me, Jenni! 

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Juvenile Arthritis Awareness with Dr. Oz

Something pretty exciting has happened…. “RAHealthCentral is thrilled to announce a new positive way of raising awareness about juvenile arthritis! We recently had the opportunity to collaborate with The Dr. Oz Show to bring information about juvenile arthritis to his viewers, which number in the millions. An article written by yours truly has been posted…

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Blog Tour: CreakyJoints Invited Blog

A couple of weeks ago, the lovely people at CreakyJoints asked me to write an invited blog for them. They wanted to hear more about the process of writing the book. I was very happy to oblige. The post is about three factors that are important both to writing a book and living with RA….

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Birds of a Feather

I took the weekend off and it was just lovely. Not just because I wasn’t working, but because the weather decided to play Spring. I meandered off with my camera, intending to take photos of construction sites and I did that, too. But somehow I ended up down by the water again.  I know. Big…

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Blog Tour: Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis

I was thrilled to stop at Andrew Lumpe’s Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis to have a chat about the book, writing with RA and a disability and a mutual geek out about the state of research and the digital world. Andrew also did a lovely review of Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis. You can read his…

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Fishing for Cats

I’m always on the lookout for cool toys for Lucy. Partly because she spoiled and partly because she’s pudgy. Toys will make her move. At least theoretically – it’s been a while since there’s been one she’s excited about and to be honest, she’d become a bit of a lump. And then I discovered Neko…

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