Better Than Chewing!
I blame Laurie for this.
A week ago, she wrote about incorporating more fruits and vegetables in her diet by making smoothies. Kale smoothies, in particular. My naturopath has been trying to get me into smoothies for while (a long while), but no luck so far. Then I read Laurie’s post and got all excited about her mentioning the NutriBullet. Because the Bullet has intrigued me for some time (and I know some of you out there are now snickering for reasons completely unrelated to the topic of this post). I’m talking about the MagicBullet. The smoothie making blender thing. Anyway! I’ve been tempted to buy it for a while, but wasn’t sure how well it would work and never quite got around to it.
That happens a lot around here.
Enter the NutriBullet. It looked sturdier than the MagicBullet and is specifically designed to have a stronger motor that can get at the fibers in things like kale. Which is good for you. It has calcium, something that I’m more conscious of needing as I grow older. So I decided that I would get one. Eventually. Which, as I may have mentioned, can take a while in my world.
Normally, I don’t get flyers — I put a sticker in my mailbox saying no thanks because they drive me crazy. Apparently my usual postal carrier is on vacation and his replacement unfamiliar with words, because I’ve been getting flyers for the past week or so. One of which was for Bed, Bath and Beyond, which listed the NutriBullet for $99. $20 less than buying it off the website and no shipping and handling if I got The Boy to pick it up. It moved higher up on the “likely to happen soon-ish” list.
And then The Boy’s sister called me Friday evening, saying she was going to Canadian Tire and did I want anything? I looked up the NutriBullet on their website and lo and behold, it was on sale for $79.99.
Clearly, it was fate.

This weekend, we played with my new toy. Sure, some people might think it’s a small appliance, but it’s so much fun to use that I qualify it as a toy. The manufacturer has had enough of a sense of humor to write this on the side of the box, so I think they’re probably in on the joke.

We made a couple of different smoothies, both starting with baby kale
We added half an apple to the first one, but that made me sneeze (I’m somewhat allergic to apples and haven’t eaten one for a long time, so it was too much of a shock to my system). Smoothie #2’s replacement was half an orange

I found some Ontario strawberries in the freezer

added some blackberries (Lucy was very intrigued at the production)

Then we added water to the MAX line and screwed on the appropriate blade

Popped it on the base, twisted, and off it went
After a total of three minutes to get the ingredients ready to go into the cup, less than 30 seconds of doing terrible things to fruits and vegetables, we had a smoothie

It looks awful, but tastes really good! Sort of like sushi. Well, it doesn’t taste like sushi, but feels like it. really clean and like you’re doing something good for your body.
Definitely a good buy that’s going to help me get healthier. And it’s fun, too.
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Now, I REALLY want one. Also, Nutribullet reminds of another kind of bullet I have…
Tomato juice, a little orange juice, a few grapes and an avocado. Soup's on!
I don't think many things are better than chewing.
However, your new bullet sounds great! Enjoy. Happy healthy eating!
I saw a nutritionist at Longo's and she told us how to make kale chips in the oven.
Did you ever notice @geekgoodgirl how she takes her juicing ingredients and makes faces with them before they get annihilated?
Happy juicing! I like appliances that are small
Better than chewing – Hahaha! Maybe I'll try one!
BTW, Lene, bought and read your book last weekend, very good job! Wish someone had handed me this when I was diagnosed! Interestingly enough I could hear your voice as I read the book. My sister does some writing and talks about finding you voice; you have found your voice. It reads conversationally. Like you are talking to just me. Nice job!
Are you going to do a reading for an audible version?
Hehe Dude, you said 'Bullet'.
**shakes self out of juvenile Beavis and Butthead Moment**.
We've got a smoothie maker but haven't used it for years, it's a big lump of a thing so maybe I need to get one of these smaller ones. I love veggies but I'm not very good at eating fruit, except for bananas so I may need to revisit smoothies :).
Gaina x
One of Meg's favorites is orange, srawberry & banana.