Blog Articles by Month: February 2013

Blog Tour Kick-Off!

I’m happy to announce that my blog tour kicked off today! What’s a blog tour, you ask? It’s a book tour where you don’t have to put on makeup or even leave your home! My lovely friend Cathy at The Life and Adventures of Cateepoo agreed to host the first stop on the tour and…

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Reinventing Yourself with RA

This week on HealthCentral, I riff on how Ra can prompt your to seek renewal and reinventing yourself: “RA can be a gift. When I say that, people usually look at me as if I’ve grown another head. How can this chronic autoimmune disease that frequently and randomly takes over your life be a positive…

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Family Day Tinks

In between this past weekend’s madness of getting The Book ready to launch, we had a wonderful respite in the form of a Tink visit. There’s nothing like two 7-year-olds to blow stress and lists out of your mind and just focus on the present. We went for lunch at a local pub.While waiting for…

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Meet the Book

Three years ago, I finally went public with a dream. In so doing, I trusted the meds enough, trusted fate, the universe and/or various divinities enough that I could start making a long-term plan. The dream was to have a book with my name on it. And today, I do After a gestation period longer…

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Anger Has a Place, But So Does Joy

A while back, Laurie suggested that I watch Pink Ribbons, Inc. and it’s been on my list of movies to buy. It turns out that sometimes, when you lollygag long enough, really good things happen. Last week, she posted this news: The National Film Board of Canada is currently offering the movie as a free…

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A Learning Experience

Last Monday, the stairwell next my apartment got painted. I have massive problems with paint fumes — it triggers my asthma in about two nanoseconds. I have an arrangement with my landlord that involves advance notice (so I can plan to be elsewhere), taping up the door to painted areas, etc., but through a farcical…

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Pain, Touch and RA

This month on HealthCentral, we’re writing about relationships. My contribution is a post on the importance of touch and what you can do to meet your need for physical contact when you hurt (yes, that includes sex): “Touch. We know it’s important to babies and children, but once we are grown, we pay less attention…

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Book Review: Rather Outspoken

The news matters. This is the central tenet that runs throughout Dan Rather’s Rather Outspoken: My Life in the News. Woven through stories of 60 years working in the news, Rather has written a passionate argument for keeping the news independent and unbiased. And then he tells you why this is an important topic, but…

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