Family Day Tinks
In between this past weekend’s madness of getting The Book ready to launch, we had a wonderful respite in the form of a Tink visit. There’s nothing like two 7-year-olds to blow stress and lists out of your mind and just focus on the present.
We went for lunch at a local pub.While waiting for the food, the kids mauled Janne
Morgan and I shared some confidential information
Photo by Janne/Tink/Mama
Liam showed off a Blob Fish
While Janne and Morgan looked on
Eventually, the kids’ got tired of waiting for the food and started gnawing on each other
After lunch, we went back to my mother’s place and the kids mauled The Boy. Here Morgan’s trying to hear if the wind from the small fan moves through David’s head from one ear to the other
Practising for the trapeze
And Liam investigates the fan in more detail
Awwwwwww. Thanks for the smiles, Lene. Looks like lovely family day.
Seven! How did they get to be seven! Adorable as always; I love it. Thank you to the tinks for the big smile on my own face now!
Terrific monochrome pix, Lene – really like them