
Blog Tour: MyLungsMyLife

Jenni is 16 years old, lives in the UK and has the best Twitter handle I’ve seen in a while: @pinger_genguin. Brilliant, right? She raises awareness about chronic and invisible illnesses on her blog MyLungsMyLife. Earlier this week, I wrote a guest post for her about juvenile arthritis

Thanks so much for hosting me, Jenni!

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  1. Jenni on March 17, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    Thanks for the post Lene… I really appreciate it.


  2. Stephen Trevathan on June 26, 2013 at 4:36 pm

    Hello, this is the first time I have ever visited your blog, so I wanted to leave a comment for you. Now, I am sure you get a lot of comments on your site, and you probably don't accept that many. However, I do hope you take a second to read mine and have a look at the infographic I want to share with you today. Last month was Arthritis Awareness Month, and I helped to put together an infographic in honor of this very important event. Also, I figured that it wouldn't hurt to reach out to some more people this month, because spreading awareness for the many forms of arthritis is a crucial undertaking that requires a little more time (I think this is something that you would agree with me on). If you are interested then I invite you to check out my arthritis awareness infographic and share it with others!