Blog Articles by Month: May 2013


and it effectively prevents me from doing almost everything. Here’s a story to keep you entertained while I sit still and heal. Last weekend (before the injury happened), The Boy and I went out to do a photo shoot with the paperback edition of Your Life with RA. Which has made me vaguely consider bringing…

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HealthCentral Facebook Chat

I’m the designated expert for tomorrow’s HealthCentral Facebook chat about RA and arthritis. If you have any questions, come on over and join us!   Note: I hurt my hand and we have therefore decided to we schedule this chat. Will keep you posted.

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It’s Heeeere…

I’d like to introduce you to the paperback edition of Your Life with Rheumatoid Arthritis. To differentiate this from the ebook edition, we call it the Book Book. In unguarded moments, I call it My Preciousss.  It’s got an incredibly beautiful cover by Dan Handler. The man does magic, transitioning an e-book cover into a…

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The Quest for an RA Spokesperson: Looking for Our Jolie

One of the biggest barriers to creating effective awareness about RA is the lack of an icon who can personify the disease (and it wouldn’t hurt if they were sexy, too). This week on HealthCentral, I mused on the search for a spokesperson: “RA needs a spokesperson. Someone in the public eye. Someone who is…

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The Annual Tulip Walk – for Beth

This one’s for Beth. She often challenged her friends and readers to get out to enjoy life. Since so many of us live all over the place, we are not able to be there for her memorial. Someone had the idea that on a particular day, we should all get out and do something in…

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Juvenile Arthritis, Blindness and Living with Joy: An Interview with Joy Ross

I love my job with HealthCentral for many reasons. One of them as I get to talk to a lot of really interesting people. A few weeks ago I met Joy Ross — a wonderful, inspiring and positive woman. She was a joy to interview and very graciously shared her story: “”I am happier without…

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4 Years

Photo by Janne / TinkMama Four years ago today, The Boy and I finally realized what had been blatantly obvious to everyone else for several months: that we belong together. It was the best decision I’ve ever made— every day since has been filled with love and laughter. David is everything I’ve ever dreamed of…

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A Smack Upside the Head

“How do you know when you’re stressed?” Marianna asked this in her most recent giveaway (g’ahead, click and enter, it’s open until May 19). It turns out that my answer is I don’t. It’s been pretty obvious — even to me — that things have been very busy for a long time around here. My…

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I’m always a little startled by the suddenness of Canadian spring. Last Wednesday, I was wearing socks and winter sweaters and two days after that, it was warm enough for bare feet, T-shirts and shorts. Not that I wear shorts, but a lot of other people were. Everything’s a little extra sudden this year. I…

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Proud to Be Us/Exercise with RA

Things have been just a tad busy around here. As evidence herewith my CreakyJoints and HealthCentral posts for this week. First, I write about being proud of who you are and celebrating our community for Arthritis Awareness Month: “Happy Arthritis Awareness Month! This is the annual 31 days of making the over 100 different types…

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She Flew

Beth has died. This shouldn’t be a surprise — she has lived with autonomic failure for years. When we first became friends, we did so knowing that she was going to die. At the time, she estimated another year, maybe two. That’s six years ago. Somehow, I had begun to think that Beth was perennial….

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40 & Fun

Last weekend, we celebrated my sister’s 40th birthday. We deliberately postponed the grand party from month, thinking that April 20 would for sure have nice weather so we could send the kids out to the playground. It was freezing. With snow. We stayed inside and a grand time was had by all. Naturally, the Birthday…

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