
HealthCentral Facebook Chat

I’m the designated expert for tomorrow’s HealthCentral Facebook chat about RA and arthritis. If you have any questions, come on over and join us!

Note: I hurt my hand and we have therefore decided to we schedule this chat. Will keep you posted.

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  1. AlisonH on May 28, 2013 at 5:28 pm


    I spent too much time yesterday opening the door and chasing squirrels off things, knew I was getting too much UV exposure, and suddenly found I couldn't type with my three right fingers on my right hand for the pain. (Alison–you do remember you have lupus, right? Oh, riiiiight…) I thought of you and wondered how on earth do you do it. Go Lene!

  2. carlascorner on May 30, 2013 at 3:39 pm

    Hope you're okay! Take care.