
Caregiving for Dementia: How to Support with RA

November was Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, as well as National Caregivers Month in the US and HealthCentral marked it by doing a special project where writers from different sides wrote about dementia and Alzheimer’s. Earlier this month, I wrote about dementia caregivers’ increased risk of developing autoimmune diseases and this week, I take a more personal view of supporting people living with dementia and their caregivers even though your body doesn’t allow you to do anything physical:

“For three years, we watched my father disappear, moving a little bit further away from us every day. He’d had a large stroke and managed to battle back from that, but then came another. And another and another, small TIAs and seizures happening often enough that the brain damage continued, giving him vascular dementia. It wreaked havoc on his mind and body and devastated our family.”

You can read the rest of the post here.

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