Blog Articles by Month: November 2011

The Tinks Turn 6

Yes, they do. Today, in fact. I don’t know how they went from this to who they are today, but I’m enhjoying every minute! We had a wonderful party for them a couple of weeks ago. Herewith a few pics for the day. I was in charge of distracting the wee monsters while everyone else…

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Disabled? Disposable. Help Save the Hardship Fund

I had a plan for this week. I’ve had that plan for about a year. Because the International Day of People with Disabilities is on December 3 and for the last couple of years, that meant that I go to Variety Village to take part in the City’s celebration of this day. It’s a terrific…

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The Knife’s Edge

Monday morning, I woke up with a pain in my right big toe. Well, not exactly in the toe itself, but just below the bottom joint. I wiggled it, inspected it closely and then went about my day. It continued to hurt, just at that spot below the bottom joint and it made me nervous….

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A Complicated Santa

Yesterday, Santa came to town and you all know how I love the annual Santa Claus Parade. This year, though… There’s a rant coming and I’m not just trying to work one in every time I post, but… OK, let’s have some fun first. And a lot of it was as delightful as it’s ever…

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A Question for the DIP Deniers

I’m not RA for a long time and I’ve now worked in a job that exposes me to a lot of news about RA for several years and yet, I still learn new things every day. For instance, the DIP debate. The DIP is short for the distal interphalangeal joint. Which is the joint on…

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Social Autoimmune Caregiving Media

It’s hard to sum up these two very different posts I wrote for HealthCentral this week, hence the mangled title.  One was about how the RA community connects using social media: “RA affects one percent of the population. Without actively searching, you’d be lucky to run into another person who lives with the same chronic…

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2012 Calendar & Holiday Stuff

I forgot again. Forgot how long it takes to make the calendar, the cards and all the rest. But being a bit stubborn (!) , I persevered and here it all is. A little late, but here. There’s a calendar and holidays cards, some of which have a greeting inside (a request from a customer…

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99% Accessible

I’ve written before about how fascinated I am by the Occupy movements in general and Occupy Toronto in particular and I’m about to go on about it again. But this time, it’s about a particular aspect of Occupy Toronto.  A few weeks ago, I was wandering around the park checking things out when I saw…

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Remembrance Day, 2011

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In Which I Re-Learn the Basics of Living with RA

In my latest MyRACentral post, I give the internet an opportunity to laugh at me: “I consider myself a fairly smart person. It’s not something we’re supposed to say, just as we are not supposed to remark on our own gorgeousness, but there it is. I’m certainly not in the same league of attractiveness as…

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Figments of the Imagination

Jenni over at ChronicBabe had a plan for her month-long sabbatical: ask for guest posters. My contribution appears today and is cross-posted here. Thanks for including me, Jenni! “I’m so relieved I’m not crazy!” Someone I know has just – finally – received a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. When she told me what happened in…

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