
A Call to Action: Increasing Physical Activity in Arthritis

The Arthritis Foundation is doing something very interesting. They’ve just released a report with recommendations for environmental and policy changes that can make it easier for people with arthritis to increase their physical activity. Great report, interesting interview with Dr. Patience White, VP of Public Health at the Foundation:

“‘Arthritis is a major player in the health tsunami that is coming to America.’

                      – Dr. Patience White, VP of Public Health, The Arthritis Foundation

22.2 percent of Americans over the age of 18 live with one of the over 100 kinds of arthritis. This number represents 50 million people whose lives are affected by these types of diseases. In 2030, 62 million Americans will have arthritis. That’s a lot of pain, mobility issues and lost ability to work and participate in the community. The cost of arthritis is greater than what happens in each individual’s life. According to the CDC, in 2003 arthritis cost the US economy $128 billion in medical care expenditures and lost earnings. This year, it will cost even more and in 2030, when 62 million Americans will have arthritis, the cost – both individual and social – will be through the roof.”

You can read the rest of the post here.

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  1. Kate on May 25, 2012 at 11:23 am

    It's a really interesting report. Thinking about how the built environment can be structured to make it easier for people with mobility issues to exercise is so important.

  2. Diana Troldahl on May 26, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    I just order a book called When Walking Fails: Mobility Problems of Adults with Chronic Conditions (I got my copy free via paperbackswap dot come, cool idea, not sure if there is a Canadian equivalent) I think the author was in med school when she became mobility challenged, and used the way she was treated to spark a career writing about it. She also wrote a book directed at physicians detailing how to help people with various difficulties gain access to their care called:More Than Ramps a Guide to Improving Health Care Quality and Access for People with Disabilities

  3. Diana Troldahl on May 26, 2012 at 5:08 pm

    OH! And we are moving this summer. The closest center for exercise is also the place that hosts a big conference on physical therapy and disabilities tied with exercise, and the Detroit Medical Center physical therapists work from there, too. I am very excited, it is less than 5 miles from our new home. :-}