
Ease of Use: IMAK SmartGlove

I think this is one of those cars that can work great for some and not so great for others. Several other reviewers had a very positive reaction, so I think it’s worth looking into. If you have problems with wrist pain or carpal tunnel issues, give it a try. It might do the trick for you.

This was my last product review for Ease of Use program (at least for this go around). I’d like to thank The Address Foundation for getting me this opportunity to try out some pretty nifty products. Both I and my co-reviewer had a lot of fun.

Other bloggers involved in reviewing Ease-of-Use products are Felicia Fibro, Peachy Pains and Dog in the Dorm: Life with Holden.

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  1. Diana Troldahl on June 1, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    Oohhh the fibro connection! That explains why non of the carpal support gloves work for me, I always end up worse than when I put it on (pain wise). I have a few tips for your mom, though. If you hold the suffering hand and gently squeeze the sides toward one another the fingers on the other hand along the side below your pinky and your thumb of the other hand on the suffering hand's send-from-the tip thumb joint and hold it (gently, mind) it will provide almost immediate relief. I had a friend who resorted to using duct tape to hold her hand in that configuration during an intense week of test taking. It works for me to hold the worst at bay when I am knitting or typing a bit too much. I also (gently) drop my pinky side of my hand down onto the arm f my chair several times and it backs off the numbness. I just let gravity plummet the hand down, not adding any force of my own.

  2. Colleen on June 1, 2012 at 11:32 pm

    I learned that trying to do anything with a splint on meant I pushed against the brace, harder, and that *aggravated* my carpal tunnel (my new PT said that that is correct)! So I ended up sleeping in the braces, too keep my hands straight, and not wearing them during the day, but got acupuncture and improved my posture, and stretched. That did more good…for everything that hurt!

  3. Felicia Fibro on June 6, 2012 at 10:34 pm

    I actually have a different glove that is lighter-weight. I have the IMAK Arthritis Gloves. I'm quite interested in these gloves though, for the days when my wrists are hurting more.