Blog Articles by Month: May 2012

A Spring Walk

Spring has hit Toronto. Everywhere you look, there’s green leaves, tulips, more green leaves and it is glorious! Also rather allergy-inducing, but when it’s this pretty, you put up with not being able to breathe through your nose, wheezing and teary eyes. I took a walk this weekend, out among the life and found there…

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Behind the Scenes

I am a very lucky woman. A little over four months ago, RA Guy, Cathy and I decided we wanted to work together, leapfrogging off of RA Guy’s wonderful community collage. What exactly we were going to do was still up in the air. By the time we settled into an official structure, discussed options…

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Show Us Your Hands! Releases Our Hands Can! Photo Book in Celebration of Arthritis Awareness Month

     (May 7, 2012) – Show Us Your Hands! is pleased to announce the release of its Our Hands Can! photo book, the latest in a series of successful initiatives aimed at uniting the community of individuals who are living with inflammatory arthritis and increasing the public’s awareness of this group of autoimmune diseases. This…

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The Arthritis Society Forum

The Arthritis Society is hosting a forum next week about osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Edward Keystone is the keynote speaker and he is a fantastic, entertaining and inspiring speaker. I heard him speak about a year and a half ago and it made a tremendous impact on me. You can see the webcast of…

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Casting Call for People with Disabilities

Milo Casting is having another casting call, looking for people with disabilities. This is for the Accessibility Ontario campaign. If you’re selected, the pay’s pretty good. Please tell everyone you know! MILO CASTING INC. IS SEEKING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN PHOTO SHOOTS TO PROMOTE ACCESSIBILITY IN ONTARIO Milo Casting Inc. is seeking males…

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Show Us Your Hands! Releases 1,000 Hands Poster in Celebration of Arthritis Awareness Month

(May 1, 2012) – Show Us Your Hands! is pleased to announce the release of its 1,000 Hands Poster Project, the latest in a series of successful initiatives aimed at uniting the community of individuals who are living with inflammatory arthritis and increasing the public’s awareness of this group of autoimmune diseases. This poster proudly…

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