Blog Articles by Month: August 2012

Bliss, Redux

Three months ago, we went to see Cavalia’s Odysseo and it was blissful. I claimed to be full, didn’t need to go back again, but The Boy knew better. He’d occasionally drop a hint and finally, I knew, too. I couldn’t let these beautiful horses leave without seeing them again. So we did. It kicked…

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50, Sarah and Miss Piggy

For the last 30 years, I’ve battled against the prevailing North American belief that Copenhagen is the capital of Holland and that coming from Denmark makes me Dutch. However, thanks to Marianna, I will today claim some kinship with that other small Northern European nation. Because today is what the Dutch would call my Sarah…

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The Annual Rant

This might be my last rant about Buskerfest. Despite it having become an annual tradition to which I know you’re all looking forward with bated breath (no?), it may be time to close the series (2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011). Not because Buskerfest has magically become a paragon of accessibility – were it only so….

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Driven to Drink

The universe is continuing the theme… There’s a bit of a celebration going on this weekend and although I normally don’t partake of alcohol (it gives me headaches), I decided to go in search of a particular product. I first learned of Woody’s pink grapefruit cooler when it was handed out free on the street…

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Bullying and Juvenile Arthritis: A Memory of Childhood

Writers across many HealthCentral sites are doing posts related to the theme of back-to-school. We’re interpreting it widely, discussing not just going back to school, but also educting kids about various medical conditions. My contribution was to write about bullying of kids with chronic illnesses froma personal point of view: “I flew across the schoolyard,…

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Winners and Losers

Weirdly coincidentally, the universe has conspired to push me in the direction of a follow-up. If you’ve been reading for a while, you may remember my experiences with some interesting accessibility issues at Winnersabout a year ago and the grocery store Metro in late fall 2010 (as well as the very satisfactory resolution of both)….

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Window Cat

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Being Human

For the past few weeks, I have been immersed in Being Human: The Complete First Season, a wonderful little British series about three roommates who happen to be a vampire, werewolf, and a ghost. I’ve been nagging encouraging everyone I know to watch this series, not just because of how good it is, but also…

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RA2day: An Awareness Campaign for Rheumatoid Arthritis

I’m very excited to share this news. Today, RAHealthCentral has launched a new awareness campaign for RA called RA2day. It’s got real potential to pull us all together and give a realistic view of what it’s like to live with RA: “What does your experience with RA look like today? Is it an intimidating pile…

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A Bit Pervy

I have no idea what this flower is, but had to photograph it.I’m not sure if it’s slightly blush-inducing or an alien.

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A Walking Paper, Pt. 2

Dear Ambulatory and Ablebodied Public At Large, Four years ago, I posted a guide to walking geared to assist the clueless perambulating public to not be an annoyance (or danger) to those who travel seated in wheelchairs and scooters. Recent events when I’ve been out and about have led me to believe that this is…

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6 Steps to Happiness with RA

This week, I used National Tickling Month as a jumping off point to talk about how to get happy when you have a chronic illness: “When you are in the midst of RA, with all that comes with it, can you still be happy? When you’re juggling pain, exhaustion, a dizzying amount of meds and…

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