Live Bold Live Now – Behind the Scenes
We launched Live Bold Live Now on Friday – did you watch the RA story yet? It’s been very exciting to see the finished product. The HealthCentral team did a fantastic job putting it all together. I recommend you also check out the Crohn’s and psoriasis profiles — Rob and Laura are phenomenal people.
Each of our stories take about 20 minutes to watch and represented two days of filming three months ago. Although I’ve been in front of the cameras very briefly before when I was a spokesperson for a report by the Health Council of Canada Days, this was a completely different level. This was not a reporter and a camera, although that’s sort of what I expected, with maybe the addition of another couple of people. Imagine my surprise when a film crew showed up. And over those two days in October, I learned a number of things.
Don’t turn your back on them. On Monday, I was in the hands of Sher, an excellent makeup artist who actually lives in my neighbourhood! This was happening at my dining room table and whereas I know there was stuff going on behind me, I was too busy focusing on the novel experience of having someone else do my makeup and talking to Lori who was doing the interview.
Then I turned around and saw this
David watched me. He very much wishes he’d had a camera to catch the look on my face. I’m very happy he didn’t. By this time, the feeling of being mildly terrified increased somewhat, but I was trapped

And that it takes a lot of make-up to achieve a natural, but camera-ready look.
I learned new words, such as B roll, that baby isn’t necessarily a human infant and that an OTS shot means Over The Shoulder.
In related news, when the guy in charge tells you that the second day of filming on B roll locations will be a much smaller crew, the word ‘small’ is relative. A team of seven people isn’t small in my world.
There is a limit to Lucy’s tolerance and friendliness. Ten people and half a ton of equipment in her territory appears to be it. She spent the entire time hiding behind my bed.
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Love it! What a honor to have played a small part in helping to tell your story Lene.
Thank you for welcoming us into your home, and for sharing your story.