Losing Weight with RA and Chronic Pain
I`ve been feeling pudgy lately. What better way to deal with it than to recruit weightloss buddies on a grand scale? This is my new post for HealthCentral:
“How do you lose weight with RA? That’s a good question, one that I’ve been stuck on for a while. These days there’s more of me than there used to be and it’s getting harder to ignore. Especially at this time of year. The promise of warmer temperatures has me thinking about spring jackets and T-shirts instead of being buried in sweaters. Closely on the heels of these thoughts came the realization that perhaps the winter added a few extra pounds. For insulation, y’know.
You can read the rest of the post here.
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I want to lose a pant size as well!!
Whilst some of my 15kg weight loss CAN be put down to a different version of pred (for PMR) and being able to walk as opposed to not being able, I think the biggest part of my steady weight loss has been due to drastically restricting carbs combined with the 5:2 Fast Diet (google provides a fair bit of info if it hasn't reached Canada, it started in the UK). I like the 5:2 because you never have more than one day at a time when you “can't” have and otherwise nothing is really forbidden. The fat has gone all over – but especially the pred-related round the middle stuff. It hasn't been fast, given the considerable change to my diet. But then, I didn't give up wine as well
Nice Job
Weight Loss Tips
My boyfriend and I lost a lot of weight following an excellent program! I think it will not be online for a long time, so watch the video now!
Find out here: Fast Healthy Weight Loss
Thanks again