
Our Hands Can! Community Stories: October 2014 – Change of Seasons

Change in the air this time of year. Whether it’s leaves that change colours, wardrobes changing from summer tank tops to sweaters (or vice versa in the Southern hemisphere), or the temperatures, there is a shift going on. At Show Us Your Hands!, we got so excited about change that we decided to update a number of the things we do. This includes our logo and, even more excitingly, we’d like you to design it for us! Are you interested? Click here to read more about the Show Us Your Hands! logo contest and send us your design!

We got some great contributions to October’s Picture Project. Our theme was Change of Seasons. We’d like to thank Daniel P. Malito for donating the October prize: a signed copy of his book So Young: A Life Lived With Rheumatoid Arthritis Read on to see who won!

It’s not just our community members who contribute photos to the Picture Project. The members of the Board do, as well. Over the coming months, we’ll show you some of their contributions, as well. We’re starting with Lene’s new discovery. She said “Bought a great sweatshirt with built-in fingerless gloves. Perfect! My right hand always gets cold from being out in the elements driving my wheelchair.”

Pets can be an important contribution to your quality of life, adding love to your every day and also getting you up and moving.

Bridget submitted this wonderful photo that’s the epitome of the love that exists between a pet and a person, saying “My hands can still hug my pup when I’m going through a bad flare on a chilly day.” Give that wonderful squishy face a hug from us, too, Bridget!

Showing you one of the other benefits of having a pet, Ann shared this photo of an leafy walk. “I’m lucky to be able to take my dog Trudy for Autumn walks in the woods using my mobility scooter.” We’re glad you and Trudy have found a way to enjoy the outdoors.

Drumroll, please! The winner of the October Picture Project is April, with this very creative submission. She said “Today my hands were completely enjoying the fall weekend.” Thanks for making us laugh, April an congratulations! Email us you address at infoATsuyhDOTorg and we’ll get the book in the mail to you.

Do you want to be part of the Picture Project this month? Our theme is gratitude. Take a photo of your hands doing something related to what you’re thankful for, then post it on the Show Us Your Hands! Facebook page or Twitter and tag your post with @showusyourhands. Submit as many photos as you’d like.

The November prize is a signed copy of Elizabeth M. Cristy’s wonderful children’s book Why Does Mommy Hurt?: Helping Children Cope with the Challenges of Having a Caregiver with Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, or Autoimmune Disease. We’d like to thank Elizabeth for donating this month’s prize.

Just a reminder: by submitting a photo, you give Show Us Your Hands! permission to use the photo and your name in our community programs, such as the monthly Our Hands Can! Community Stories.

What are you thankful for this month?

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1 Comment

  1. AlisonH on November 24, 2014 at 6:10 pm

    For family–can't wait to meet my new granddaughter next month and find out what her parents name her! Brand new people are so snugglingly wonderful.