Blog Articles by Month: August 2015

Is the Term Patient Counterproductive in Advocacy?

Updated May 17, 2021 “We need to support the journey from passive patient to patient leader. “ – Annette McKinnon How do you include the voice of people who live with illness — chronic or otherwise (patients) —in the decisions that affect how healthcare is provided? And how do you do that without these voices being used…

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Writing with a Chronic Illness: Creating a Writing Habit

Lucy tries out for the position of Muse Writing is a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. So, how do you exercise this particular muscle when you have a chronic illness? You start with creating a writing habit, and a writing trigger. The Writing Habit Creating a writing habit starts with…

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Pushing My Limits for Parapan Am Wheelchair Rugby

“It’s fun and you get to hit people.” David Wilsie, member of Team Canada wheelchair rugby team I’ve loved this sport since I first saw the movie Murderball — there’s something about the abandon and apparent recklessness with which it’s played that’s just… well, a lot of fun. When I saw that the wheelchair rugby…

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Parapan Am Torch Celebrations

“I’m going to the torch relay celebration at Queen’s Park. Do you want to come?” This was an email from my friend Larry two days before the Parapan Am games torch arrived. Did I want to come? Well… It was headed towards the tail end of the first week of my (writing) vacation and it…

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Blue Moon Times Two

Once in a blue moon… Blue Moon The method itself is pretty special, the full moon even more so. And when you get to the second full moon in one month, not to be repeated for another three years, you have to see it, don’t you? As it coincided with my last day before I…

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