
The Latest Of My Posts on HealthCentral

I have a couple of posts of on HealthCentral’s RA page that had been published in the last week.

First is my post on coping with the guilt of chronic illness. I’ve become intimately acquainted with this feeling in the last several months. Wanting to be able to do things with your family, for your friends, and at work, yet not be able to do what you wish because of a chronic illness is really difficult. I share my experience and some tips to cope.

August is Gastroparesis Awareness Month. Do you know anything about this condition? Neither did I until a few years ago when someone I know started talking about her experience in her Facebook posts. It’s a rare condition that can be associated with a number of different autoimmune diseases and it can be pretty nasty. To mark the awareness month, I wrote a post on what you need to know about gastroparesis.

And lastly, we’ve updated a post on RA and hearing loss. There are conflicting beliefs about whether RA can affect your hearing and this is an interesting post on a little-known topic.

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1 Comment

  1. Rick on August 18, 2016 at 1:25 am

    I am so fortunate, I do not suffer from Gastroparesis, but it is a common issue in the diabetes community. My mom suffered from the condition and it was truly awful. Thank you for shedding light on this very important topic.