
Please Endorse Me in the Wegohealth Health Activists Awards!

I’m honoured that members of the community nominated me in the 5th Annual WEGOHealth Health Activist Awards. Being nominated for any award is always special, but when it’s your peeps who do so, it means that much more.

I’m nominated in two categories: Health Activist Hero and, believe it or not, Lifetime Achievement. That last one tickles me to no end. Thanks so much to Annette for the nomination, in which she said:

Lene has written a book called Your Life With RA and is almost done her 2nd book. She is active on Twitter, Facebook and her blog, and is also lead writer at HealthCentral. Not bad for a woman in a wheelchair since her teens.”

I’d love if you’d endorse me.

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1 Comment

  1. Rick on September 15, 2016 at 1:36 am

    Congratulations on the WEGO nomination Lene. It is very well deserved.