Blog Articles by Month: August 2017

Access/No Access: Ramps or Steps… Or Both?

This is the first in my new series of posts taking a look at bad solutions for accessibility, and hopefully the odd good one, as well. There are a couple of places in my extended neighbourhood that have created access using both a ramp and steps. One is at a local grocery store The other…

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Photo Friday: Decay

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Photo Friday: Despite The Rain A Butterfly

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Photo Friday: Wild Horses

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The Link Between Dental Health and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Did you know that the health of your teeth could be a factor in triggering RA? And that when you have RA, it affects your dental health? I look into a new study and what you can do to protect yourself in my new slideshow for RAHealthCentral: “Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that…

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A Different Way to Look at a Wheelchair

“You sound really chipper,” The Boy said. “It’s been a while since I’ve heard you like this.” He was right. I hadn’t felt that good about life and myself for a long time. And all it took was a long walk. Well, to be fair it was a bit more complicated than that. A brief…

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Facebook Live: The ADA and Applying for Disability

Did you miss it? In last week’s Facebook Live for RAHealthCentral, I talked about how the ADA can help you work longer when you have a chronic illness, and how to apply for disability. I had a bad cold. Meaning I am woman, hear me squeak!

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