
Chronic Christmas Giveaway #3: Loopy Case – WINNER

Did I mention I love my Loopy? It has made using my phone so much easier and even expanded how I can use it. Dear Loopy Casespeople: thank you for inventing this!

Also thank you to the wonderful Loopy Cases people for donating not one, but three cases for this giveaway and including a protective screen of tempered glass for those winners who have an iPhone. It’s incredibly generous and I’m very grateful.

And the winners (and their comment entries) are:

Jocelyn, who said “This came at the perfect time. I was just diagnosed with RA this past summer, and as the cold sets in, I’m noticing that my grip is getting less sure and my hands hurt more.”

Terri B: “I would love to try this out. Thank you.”

Momzilla: “That would be amazing! I’m always afraid of dropping my iPhone due to the unlexpIned (sic) numbness and weakness in my arm and hand,”

Contact me at leneATyourlifewithraDOTcom to learn more about how you can claim your prize.

Join me tomorrow for the fourth Chronic Christmas Advent giveaway!

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1 Comment

  1. Rick on December 20, 2017 at 1:51 am

    Loopy Loop congratulations to the winner.