
They Come in Threes, Don’t They?


Turns out that wasn’t allergies.

I spent a fair bit of last week being convinced I had the worst allergy attack of my life, including a sudden and profound allergic response to someone cutting the grass in a park. Well, it all started with that weird woolly sensation in the back of my throat that usually is the looming harbinger of an oncoming cold, but it went away again, leaving just a sort of sniffly situation. So… allergies, right?

Until Saturday morning when it became clear that no, this was indeed a cold. So I hoped it would stay a light summer cold — like the two I had a July. Yes, TWO — and proceeded to make plans for an enjoyable weekend with The Boy. I decided that going out and enjoying myself while feeling miserable was more fun than staying home and feeling miserable.

But if I thought how I felt on Saturday was misery, I had another think coming. Namely Sunday. And Monday. And…

It’s a humdinger.


Saturday afternoon, we were in a park taking pictures of monarchs and because I can’t wait until Friday to show you all of it, here’s a teaser

A man on a bike appears, moving down the hill of the narrow path. I move over to the side, leaving plenty of room for him to pass me, even with his insistence on biking using the manspreading approach. Everything was going well, until this gentleman decided to swerve to avoid a stalk of milkweed leaning into the path. A stalkk of milkweed that he could easily have slowly passed without any damage to himself or the plant.

Instead, he swerves.

And that’s when his manspreading knee rams into my upper left arm, slamming the back of the arm into the shell of the back of my wheelchair.

The resulting bruises are humdingers, as well.


At the end of the day, my beloved needed a bit of a rest (who could blame him, it was an eventful day) and I decided to finish the audiobook I was reading, a delightfully charming British village mystery.

I picked up my trusty iPod, which has served me well for eight years or so, looking forward to finding out who did the dirty deeds.

And that’s what I discovered that somehow, water had gotten below the glass.


This isn’t just a piece of technology. It’s one of one of the first gifts from The Boy, it’s what I use to listen to books and podcasts, it’s my source of entertainment, of adventure, it’s my conduit to books.

Also, it’s red.

And currently sitting in a mug of rice, in the desperate hope that this will help.

In the meantime, I could just use my mobile, right? No, because there’s something wrong with the jack for my headphones, so I now also have to go to my provider to get that solved

Thankfully, my mother has a very early iPod and kindly lent it to me. It’s too old to play current audiobook files, but it will convey podcasts.

How was your weekend?



  1. Rick Phillips on September 18, 2018 at 9:13 pm

    Ouch !!!

  2. Caryl Shade on September 26, 2018 at 1:14 pm

    Did the guy on the bike apologize at least?

    • Lene on September 26, 2018 at 2:11 pm

      Repeatedly. Drunkenly. I was not gracious about it. May have called him a bad name.