
How to Enjoy the Holidays as a Mother with Chronic Illness


I was really excited when Mariah Leach approached me to write an article for her new wonderful site Mamas Facing Forward. It’s an amazing resource by a woman with a mother with chronic illness for other mothers with chronic illness (for those who want to have children).

Moms are the ones who make the magic of the holidays, at least in my experience. Which is not to say that other members of the family don’t participate, but the captain of the ship tends to be the matriarch. And that’s incredibly stressful when you’re also dealing with a chronic illness. In the article, shared tips on how to get through the holidays with your health and sanity intact, and enjoying it is much as you kids:

“Being a mom is a wonderful and rewarding part of your life. It is also challenging and stressful, especially as you’re also managing that constantly cranky extra child called chronic illness. And then comes the holidays, putting extra pressure on you to make everything special, usually exhausting yourself in the process. How can you make the holidays special for your family without wrecking yourself in the process?

In this article, I’ll be sharing five tips to help you prepare for a holiday season that you, too, will enjoy, inspired by my book Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness. I have also included some tips shared by members of the Mamas Facing Forward Facebook group.”

Read the rest of the article about mothers, chronic illness, and the holidays on Mamas Facing Forward.


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1 Comment

  1. Rick Phillips on November 22, 2018 at 9:44 pm

    And most important, Let Sheryl do it.

    It is great to have a Sheryl around. Not this one of course, this one is taken. but I suggest everyone get one.