
My Holiday Gift to You

I want to help you enjoy the holidays this year.

Those words are usually the start of a sales pitch, but not today. Read on for your gift.

It’s the Season of Stress. Christmas everything. Carols, trees, decorations, Santa hats and it’s just so much. Don’t get me wrong — the holidays are lovely, but whoa, Nellie, is the pressure ever on! I talked about this in my Facebook live today, sharing tips on how to have an enjoyable holiday without stress. I also shared my holiday gift to you. Watch here or read about it below.

Stress isn’t good for a chronic illness. It causes flares just by being in the air, it causes flares when you push through and do too much, it brings to depression when you can’t do everything you feel you should or want to.

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a way to avoid all that, to do what you can without guilt, get willing help from family and friends, and spend more time people you love?

My book Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness is an Advent calendar of tips to help you get through the holidays with little stress and much joy. It also has loads of suggestions for what others can do to help you, maybe even bring you closer together.

And for the next 5 days, Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness will be free!

Yes, you read that right. Free. As in costing nothing. Zero. Zilch. No dollars at all.

I want as many as possible in the chronic illness community to know about this so they can get the book. I want all your and their family and friends to read this book, as well. To that end, please share the news in this post is widely as you can.

Basically, I want to change the world. But until I can do that, let’s together try to change just a small corner of it.

PS The people who subscribe to my newsletter knew about this Monday morning. In addition to first dibs and special promotions, they also get exclusive content, such as Q&A’s, and we have a lot of fun. Join the tribe: Subscribe!


  1. Rick Phillips on November 6, 2018 at 9:40 pm

    how nice. I may read my copy to get over the election results in my state. 🙂

    • Lene Andersen on November 12, 2018 at 11:05 am

      you have my sympathies…

  2. Gabrielle Mauerman on November 12, 2018 at 9:05 am

    How do we get the book? When I clicked on the books title it brought me to amazon with the book at price with free shipping.

    • Lene Andersen on November 12, 2018 at 11:06 am

      Unfortunately, the sale was for five days only, meaning it ended last Thursday.