Blog Articles by Day: 11 December 2018

12 Must-Reads if You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

It’s no secret that I’m a complete book nerd. I learned from books, I love the adventure of books… Essentially, books make me happy. Books can also be a great way of learning more about rheumatoid arthritis and when written by people who live with RA, even better. In my new slideshow for HealthCentral, I’ve…

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#ChronicChristmas Gift Guide Day 11: A Colourful Life

Image description: Colourful it pencils are arranged to create a heart surrounded by the business end of the pencils.. Image has the number 11 is a heart placed in the middle and the hashtag #ChronicChristmas This is my daily Advent calendar of gift ideas for people with chronic illness, running from December 1-25. Some entries…

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