
Chronic Christmas Audiobook Available Now (It’s a Dream Come True)

There are no words for how excited I am to announce that the audiobook version of Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays with a Chronic Illness is available now! Of course, I will attempt to use words to describe it, but if you just want the audiobook right now!, click this button:

Still with me? Awesome!

A dream come true

Ever since I was a child, I have loved listening to others read to me. My parents did that a lot, but at some point, I discovered how letters work together to create words and that I could read much faster myself. Once in a while, I would read an audiobook on transit (because reading regular books made me carsick), but it was not until neck and shoulder pain from RA made it impossible for me to read a regular book that I truly discovered audiobooks.

For the last 15 years, I have disappeared into the joy of having really good narrator (usually) add new dimensions to stories, taking already terrific books into absolutely wonderful. There is something about the combination of fantastic book with amazing narrator that makes a story greater than the sum of its parts. To now be able to have one of my books be transformed into an audiobook has been a dream come true.

When your words come alive

That amazing narrator I just mentioned? I found one! Caroline Cole really understood my book, got the tone and the intention behind the words, making it come alive so it often sounded like it did in my head when I wrote it. (OK, sometimes, it doesn’t, but I like her version better)

Listening to your own words be read aloud by someone who really truly understands it is a trip. A beautiful, wondrous, joyful trip (also a little weird). I mean, she made me laugh and I even teared up at one point. That was pretty weird, too, but convinced me that I had found the perfect person for the job.

And now I’ll get out of the way so you can go listen to the book. It’s available on Amazon and iTunes (and soon everywhere else there are audiobooks).

I hope you’ll love it as much as I do.


1 Comment

  1. Rick Phillips on November 27, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    good luck with sales Lene.