
Announcing #ChronicJourneys: My New Talk Show

Getting to know others and hearing their stories is one of my favourite things, ever. There are so many fascinating people who have found ways to live with and around rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other types of chronic illness and I want to talk to all of them! About how they manage their condition, but also about the LIFE part of living with chronic illness.

Thus was born a sort of accidental talk show. Had I thought ahead, I would’ve planned a fabulous launch with lots of fanfare. But I didn’t — instead, I invited one friend to do a Facebook live chat with me, then another, and about a month in, it became clear that I had a series.

I called it Chronic Journeys, easily hashtagged to #ChronicJourneys. I even made a logo!

Chronic Journeys is a series of conversations with people who live with chronic illness, in which we talk about their journey (natch) with a chronic condition, but also about their other life passions. It’s intended to shine a light on the stories and issues surrounding chronic illness, including the taboos, the stigma, and yes — also the joy.

Usually, Chronic Journeys go live on Mondays at 2 PM ET, although there is some flexibility to allow for unexpected flares. If you haven’t yet, like/follow my Facebook page to see announcements of who is coming on the show. You can also get notified when I go live — go to one of my videos and click to the three dots in the top right corner to sign up for notifications. After the live broadcast, the interviews live on the video tab on my Facebook page.

As well, all the interviews will eventually be posted to my YouTube channel, just as soon as I have time/energy to edit and upload. Subscribe to my channel and click the bell to get notified when I post a new video.

Want to catch up with the interview that have already happened?

Julia Chayko from The Old Lady in My Bones talked about being an actress with RA.

Rick Phillips from RADiabetes shares a story of living with multiple chronic conditions and the importance of your spouse as a team member.

Cristina Montoya aka The Arthritis Dietitian shared information about diet and RA, as well as her story of a miracle pregnancy.

Cathy Kramer from The Life and Adventures of Cateepoo talked about homeschooling and why she is my wise woman.

Leslie Vandever aka Wren from Rheumablog talked about what makes VA health care different, as well as being an artist with RA.

Cam Auxer from Pajama Daze talked about finding a community through books, putting together a book of essays, and creating a life with multiple medical conditions.

Janet Tomas from Medicated Babbling shared her experience with chronic severe migraines and creating a podcast.

If you want to recommend someone who should absolutely positively be on Chronic Journeys, shoot me an email at leneATyourlifewithra.DOTcom.


1 Comment

  1. Rick Phillips on July 6, 2020 at 9:23 pm

    That second guy you had on was pretty weak but the others are super cool. 🙂