
Fine-Tune Your Goals and Up-Level Your Impact for Bloggers, Writers, Dreamers, and Chronic Illness Advocates

We become bloggers, writers, and advocates in the hope that our unique message will find an audience, one that will hopefully grow. Some do it as a passionate side thing, others as an equally passionate way to make a living that actually means something. And every single one of us have to figure it all out on our own. But this week, you have the best kind of shortcut there is!

Starting Monday and running for 5 days only, BC Stack is offering an amazing bundle of 65 full, digital marketing “how-to products” and Master Classes and for the ridiculously low price of $47 US. I mean, FORTY-SEVEN DOLLARS! I got it last year and it was so useful, I bought the 2020 bundle, too.

They say ‘you get what you pay for,’ but in this case, you get thousands of dollars’ worth of information that will help you make a bigger impact. Whether you’re a blogger, writer, an advocate, or none of the above, but have ambitions to do something, someday… This package can help you fine-tune your dreams for changing the world, demystify social media, write a bestseller, create a podcast or a YouTube channel, sell a product, manage your time and so much more.


Full disclosure: I am a BC Stack affiliate. If you buy the package through the link in this post, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you. I use affiliate links every now and again (more about this on my disclosure page), but never to something I haven’t used and enjoyed myself. And boy, did I ever enjoy last year’s bundle.

Here’s how it works: when you buy the BC Stack, you’ll get an email with all the details. Basically, you’ll have a have a certain amount of time to sign up for the courses that interest you. You can take the courses or download the resources right away — this may give you access to support from the trainer through e.g., a dedicated Facebook group — but if you don’t have time or energy right now, you’ll still have lifetime access to the material, but without the right-there support. That means you have as long as you want to actually take the courses you signed up for.

Last year, I signed up for a bit over half of the courses and lined up one per month. I haven’t finished everything, but I have time. Through this, I’ve learned more about doing an email newsletter, how to do Facebook ads, understand more about using Instagram and Pinterest, developing a content strategy and got a fab package I’ll use when I launch my next book. If I had to learn all of this the hard way, through googling, reading, and trial and error, it would cost me far more time and energy. Instead, I can shortcut to a more expert level of trial and error. I know. I’m gushing. Seriously, this was some of the best resources I’ve found. I highly recommend BC Stack.

Think about it this way: when you work for an employer, they send you for training so you can get better at your job. So why not send yourself for training so you can get better at what you do on your own time?

Buy the 2020 BC Stack.






  1. Leesa on July 21, 2020 at 7:29 pm

    This sounds like an amazing resource to help us take our game to the next level. It’s always important to continue your education in your chosen field, no matter what it is.

  2. Sarah Emery on July 22, 2020 at 12:44 am

    Continuous learning is such a game changer. Especially when industries, technology and way of doing business are constantly updating and evolving. Great points and advice on staying on top.

  3. Stephanie S. on July 22, 2020 at 12:48 am

    The BC stack sounds like a great set of courses. I also love that they support you through a dedicated Facebook group. I think that is wonderful to be able to have support from others that are wanting to fine tune their goals, and level up! Thanks for sharing this wonderful resource.

  4. Nkem on July 22, 2020 at 2:55 am

    Looks like a super helpful bundle of information. What’s changed the most for you from using this stack?

  5. Tracy @ Cleland Clan on July 22, 2020 at 11:31 am

    It’s always good to learn something new and up your game. Scheduling one a month seems do-able. Which classes have been your favorites and how long do they usually take?

  6. Nicole Anderson - Camping for Women on July 22, 2020 at 10:29 pm

    The BC Stack certainly sounds like something that would be of interest to any passionate blogger who wants to invest time in learning more and improving themselves as a result. Definitely something worth looking into at the very least, particularly given your experience of trying this last year. Having a broad selection to choose from, depending on your particular needs at the time, is really great – as is the low cost. Hard to argue against it really.

  7. Britt K on July 23, 2020 at 11:08 am

    I am a firm believer in the power of investing in resources to further our knowledge and propel ourselves forward. This looks like a great option for those who are ready to focus on their marketing efforts, driving traffic back to their blog or website. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Melanie on July 23, 2020 at 4:51 pm

    This sounds like an interesting and informative kit. In the UK there is always skills classes to be taken to help you improve your skills

  9. Kat on July 24, 2020 at 2:42 am

    Sounds like a really great deal! I recently purchased a course that has really helped me a lot, as well. It’s so important to keep learning and improving.

  10. Subhashish Roy on July 24, 2020 at 6:10 am

    This would be a wonderful way to fine tune our skills as a blogger. I certainly feel that new learning is always the key to success and helps us to raise our bar higher every time. I wouldn’t mind giving BC Track idea a try.

  11. Erica (The Prepping Wife) on July 24, 2020 at 9:28 am

    Never stop learning! There is sooooo much to learn when it comes to blogging, that it can easily feel overwhelming. Courses like the BC Stack ones are invaluable. A goldmine of information. I am part of a similar group for female entrepreneurs and it has been a huge help. Like you, I try to do one course per month, along with some other things to continue learning. I’ll be looking into this one as well, because you can’t beat that price! Thanks for a great recommendation.

  12. Lyosha on July 24, 2020 at 1:39 pm

    Sounds like a great practical advise for me. I really need to work better to achieve more and faster