
5 Ideas for Eating Well When You Don’t Have the Energy to Cook

Eating a nutritious balanced diet helps you to be healthier, especially when your chronic illness is flaring. But when your chronic illness is flaring, you don’t want to cook. It’s a vicious circle. In my new post for Mango Health, I share tips for how to eat well when you don’t feel like cooking:

“Giving your body the best fuel possible is important, especially when living with chronic illness. The kind of good fuel that’s contained in a healthy balanced diet full of nutritious and tasty foods.

Well, that’s the ideal, anyway.

The reality is that with the energy limitations that chronic conditions often impose, sometimes you have to make tough choices about where your efforts go. Occasionally that means shortcuts when it comes to food. Enter meals that are fast, processed, and ready-made, usually not known for being healthy or balanced.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Good nutritious food doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some of the ways you can make it easier to get the good-for-you fuel your body needs.

Read the rest of the post on eating well when cooking is the last thing you want to do on the Mango Health blog.

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