

Spring! Is here!!

I’m sorry, normally I’m not a very exclamation point kinda person, but I’m not quite done yet.


Ah, that’s better.

My friend Leslie has finally relented and started up a blog. She’s frequently funny, often soulful and I love her writing. Please pop by her Spring Chicken and say hello.

The lovely Lynn of the comments is doing a good thing. She’s having an auction on eBay with some great-looking vintage knitting books and donating the proceeds to Medecins Sans Frontieres. She wants me to mention that these are for entertainment value only, not in a resale kind of condition, but if you have a hankering for the knit- related (and I know many of you do), like the cause, check it out and consider leaving a bid.

p.s. I’m not wearing socks! On April 18! Which may be a record…

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