Blog Articles About Politics


I love the way kids react to my wheelchair. They’re fascinated, checking out the knobs, buttons and repeatedly coming back to the one thing that is verboten due to risk of injury: my joystick. They’ll ask a quick question or two about why I’m in the chair and why I can’t walk and we get…

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All Dressed Up & Nowhere to Go

What I need to go outside my immediate neighborhood, I call WheelTrans. WheelTrans is Toronto’s paratransit service, run by the TTC (our public transportation system) and it is designed to provide transportation for people with disabilities who can’t use public transit so they can participate in the community on an equal basis with everyone else….

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Hero Worship

I don’t use the term ‘hero’ often and I don’t have an awful lot of personal heroes – in fact, I think it might take me it some time to come up with even a small list. But last week, when I rooted around on the new 7-day releases at my video store (where you…

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I Thought It Was a Science?

Earlier this week, I read a post on one of the HealthCentral sites by one of their medical experts. This doctor started by saying she did not “believe in” a particular medical problem and continued to explain how she had come around by experiencing it herself. The particular site, doctor and medical problem are irrelevant…

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