Blog Articles About Whining


The problem with writing the first book in a series is that eventually, you have to write the second book. Especially as the best way to sell books is to write more books. When you would like your books to someday be your primary source of income so you don’t have to have quite so…

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Notes from Editing Hell

And it continues… The editing, I mean. Although I finished writing The Book about six months ago, I am still editing and rewriting and then editing some more. And it is kicking my butt. I take great comfort in reading about other people’s road to publication. It took Toni Bernard six years to write How…

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My inbox’s making me nervous. As is My List. And all the things that aren’t on the immediate List, but on the Weekly List, not to mention the Monthly List and the second inbox. I don’t know what compelled me to have two e-mail addresses, but they’re both making me nervous and the idea of…

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