Tips for Managing Infection Risk With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Some of the most effective treatments for RA are immunosuppressants. But you don’t have to live in a bubble— my new slideshow for HealthCentral shares tips on how to protect yourself against infection: “We live in a time when there are more treatments for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) than ever before. Biologics offer more hope of…
10 Things about What It Is Like To Be On a Ventilator
Updated December 6, 2020 Trigger warning: this post is about medical trauma. This post is a look at the experience of being on a ventilator from the point of view of the person on the receiving end of the tube. This happened when I had complications to the flu and ended up in the ICU.(side…
I Survived the ICU
Trigger warning: Medical trauma So, where was I? The last time I posted, I had the flu and was pretty miserable. It was the precursor to a roller coaster ride into a very dark place. The flu turned into pneumonia, which sent me to the hospital in the middle of March. There was a trip…