Blog Articles by Month: August 2008

Share the Love Contest

Today’s my birthday. We shall gloss over exactly which birthday it is, as I’m not yet sure how I feel about this particular number. I’ve spent the week being very aware of the way mortality’s looming on the horizon and considering various and sundry ways of indulging in a middle-aged crisis – colouring my hair…

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All Love

This past weekend, my sister Janne and brother-in-law John gave me the best gift: a visit from my lovies, Morgan and Liam! It was a true Tink extravaganza, an afternoon spent immersed in a two-year-old world and there is nothing better to ease a worried mind. It reminded me that the funnest game ever can…

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Goodness, True Love & A Rant

Last week, I felt compelled to watch Big Eden again. Sure, I’ve been building up to it for while – it’s been about six months since I last saw it and that’s about as long as I can go without my fix. And no, I’m not just talking my fix of the character named Pike,…

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Anyone Lose Their Head?

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Joy Fawcett: the Olympics, Soccer and RA

My latest HealthCentral post is up: “Joy Fawcett has played for the U.S. Women’s soccer team in three Olympics — 1996 in Atlanta, 2000 in Sydney and 2004 in Athens — and was on the field every minute. Each time, the team won a medal – one silver and two gold. She is the mother…

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Judge Not, that Ye Be Not Judged

So John Edwards has admitted to having an affair two years ago and we’re outraged. In a poll on HealthCentral’s breast cancer site, 90% believed the affair has destroyed his credibility. Alright, I can understand why women who are surviving breast cancer can be tender about this particular event in light of Elizabeth Edwards’ cancer,…

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Effortless: What Walking Looks Like to Someone Who Can’t Walk

I was 14 the last time I walked on my own steam and I did so with crutches and what felt like knives slicing through my joints at every step. Years of untreated juvenile arthritis had ravaged my body. Thirty years later, walking no longer makes sense to me – I have no muscle memory…

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Patient Identity & Why I Don’t Have One

My latest post is up on HealthCentral: “Lately, on my travels through the Internet, I’ve noticed a new term being used on health information sites — including this one (look at me biting the hand that feeds me!) — and it’s been percolating in the back of my mind, making scritching sounds like nails on…

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Under the Shoe

The other day, I was rooting through my recent archives to find a post in which I had dissed The Lord of the Rings so I could put a link to it in Friday’s post. I never found it, but I did find several posts about my inability to stop being busy, the ever-present threat…

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Six Degrees of Boys’ Club

A while ago… okay, a long while ago – I sought help in a project I called Six Degrees of the Lord of the Rings. The idea was to take the actors who played the lead characters of LOTR, find other movies they’d been in and post a review. I’ve come upon a snag. Namely…

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Following the Olympic Creed

My latest post is up at HealthCentral: “The Olympics are starting in a few days and I’ve been of two minds about whether to watch the Games. On the one hand, there is joy to be found in watching people bursting with health and ability going full-throttle for the Olympic motto of Citius, Altius, Fortius…

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