Blog Articles by Month: May 2009

Safety Audit

First, a wee preamble that is only relevant in the most tangential way. In my spare time (what spare time?) I volunteer as tenant rep for my building, which includes serving on a Tenant Council, being aware of issues in the building and the surrounding community and working with others in the neighborhood to improve…

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Griffin Recumbent

I’ve updated my Flickr page, but couldn’t resist posting this one here, too.

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Still, After All This Time

About a month ago, I wrote about living back from the edge and within that, about the slow coming back granted me by Enbrel and Humira. Well, in the beginning, it wasn’t slow. In the beginning, there was something new every day that I could do again, every day I laughed with the rediscovery of…

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A Beginner’s Guide to RA: Social Security

The latest in the Beginner’s Guide series is on Social Secutity for Disability: “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”~ Mahatma Ghandi A friend of mine once said that applying for Social Security Disability felt like she was declaring herself legally dead.” The rest of the post is here.

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A Recipe for the Adventurous

I’ve been reading a few blogs that include recipes (The Pioneer Woman especially) and been thinking about doing a bit of that myself. However, given how various and sundry allergies and food sensitivities make my culinary repertoire pretty boring – well, except for my garlic salmon which kicks arse – I decided to approach this…

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Sea of Fire

Seemed appropriate to mark the Victoria Day long weekend with a bit of fireworks of my own. Summers’s here! Although, I’m still wearing socks…

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It Got Me Again

Remember Mercury retrograde? The quarterly phenomenon that astrologers claim affects technology and communication and when I post about how it’s out to get me, I get the distinct sensation that there’s eye rolling out there, people not quite buying into this. Settle in my friends and let me tell you about my week. Have your…

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A Walk with Tulips

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New Archetypes

I’ve gone on before about the madonna/whore dichotomy of disability portrayal in miscellaneous forms of entertainment, such as TV series, movies, books, etc. And disability means either long-suffering saintliness or it’s an outward manifestation of inner evil, leaving realistic portrayal of disability as just another facet of a person’s life to… well, CSI. However, I’ve…

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The Other Side of the Coin

Earlier this week, I read something by a woman who has rheumatoid arthritis talking about hope, talking about the impact the disease has had on her life and at the end of the piece, she wrote that when she was old, she’d be able to look back and “know what a truly amazing life I…

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I’d Rather Be Working: An Interview with Gayle Backstrom

A few weeks ago, I interviewed a fascinating woman for HealthCentral: “As follow-up to my recent Beginner’s Guides to work and going back to school, I interviewed Gayle Backstrom, author of I’d Rather Be Working: a Step-By-Step Guide to Financial Self-Support Review with Chronic Illness. Gayle also wrote When Muscle Pain Won’t Go Away, the…

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