Blog Articles by Month: August 2009

Once-A-Year Day & A Contest

In the grand tradition of the shameless self-promotion that happens in this space on this day, I’m going to be All About Me and announced that today is my birthday. Well, the beginnings of – today is the actual day, but celebrations will, as usual, be stretched out over a week or so. I’m not…

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Wrangling Life with RA

This week, I post about pirates at HealthCentral: “I got hijacked last week. Not by pirates with cutlasses, eye patches, bad teeth and a shoulder-perched parrot squawking obscenities. Instead, my week was hijacked by something much more bureaucratic: an agency deciding I needed to devote days to doing enough paperwork that I suspect they’ll need…

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Woe, oh Woe am I. Not.

About six months ago, I finally gave in and joined the Canadian version of Netflix. I’d resisted because I tend to watch movies based on what I’m in the mood for and that’s not something you can do when you never know what’s arriving next in your mailbox. However, my local video store now has…

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Good Idea in Theory

It all started with Bridget Jones’s Diary. The messing with Jane Austen, I mean. Well, I’m sure that there have been people messing with Austen before that, but if you’re looking at the most recent tendency to mess with her, Bridget started it. And did it well. It’s a fantastic book, turned into a fantastic…

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And Now for Something Entirely Different

My life is requiring my extreme attention, so this is going to be short. Real short. Inspired by something Beth posted the other day, here’s a question for you: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? (for the record, I’d love to have telekinesis. Aside from the cool factor, it’d be way…

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Sticking My Nose In

When thinking about my first post after my time off for alleging healing. I had two choices. I could talk about how that healing process has been going, but after almost 2 months and not nearly enough progress, it’s boring me senseless, so I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Or I could set the cat…

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A Beginners Guide to RA: Pain Management

This week, my HealthCentral post is about pain and how to manage it. How apropos. I really am trying to practice what I preach. Most of the time. “Rheumatoid arthritis is a pain in the… well, it can pretty much be a pain anywhere and everywhere. Whether you’re dealing with the intense pain of a…

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Yes, I know. Looks like this has turned into a photography blog. It’s temporary until the blasted neck/shoulder thing will allow me to spend more time at the computer. Hoping for words by Friday.

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Words Are Not Enough

Sending you love, dear friend.

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Loose Screws

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