Blog Articles About Rant

The Consequence of Germs

Earlier this week, one of The Boy’s colleagues was diagnosed with strep throat. And then said colleague came to work the day after and the day after that, contagious throat infection and all.  And that means my beloved and I will not see each other for the next week while we wait out the incubation…

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A Farewell to Joe

Dear Joe, Yesterday, I walked away from you for the final time. The signs have been there for a while, but I closed my eyes to them. I didn’t want to believe that you were leaving me. But today, after over six months of coming to you and having to walk away dismissed, I finally…

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Turn It Down, Turn It Off.

What’s with the noise? More specifically, what’s with all the bloody music? As my range has increased, so has my perambulations around this wonderful city I call home. I’ve discovered new streets, beautiful buildings, little spots of quiet magic like the Trinity Square labyrinth, and it’s all been completely wonderful. Well, not entirely completely. Because…

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Help Me Stay Healthy – Stay Home

It’s flu season — do you know where your germs are? I’ll tell you where they are: over here, making me sick! The Ontario Medical Association recently released a statement encouraging people to stay home when they’re sick and asking employers to not require doctor’s notes: Employers should encourage workers to stay home when sick…

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In Which I Sound like an Old Fart

Before I start being opinionated, I would like it known that when I was a child, I did not actually walk to school for miles in blizzards, nor was it uphill both ways. That said, we have become wimps. Winter in Toronto has so far been very winter-ish. It started a good four weeks early…

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The Plumber in Albuquerque

Warning: there will be spoilers here. If you haven’t yet seen this week’s episode of Body of Proof, walk away and I’ll see you next week. And yes, I did previously have a rant about the show. However, this week was the first in a two-part arc about an outbreak and ever since Ebola, I’ve…

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In Other Words: Thoughts on Language and Disability

On January 23, someone I know forwarded me a link to an article (now gone) from the Canadian national newspaper the Globe and Mail. The headline “Rheumatoid Arthritis: not the life sentence it used to be” is certainly an attention grabber. It is a good article. It’s accurate in its discussion of the science and it…

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BuskerFest Accessibility

It’s tradition. Every year around this time, I post something that shamelessly points out that it’s my birthday and closely connected to that, often in the same post, I rant about BuskerFest. This is the four-day festival celebrating street performers that takes over my neighborhood to the point where it’s hard to go anywhere is…

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Everyday Hero

Thanks to everyone who left a comment in last week’s contest, three quarters of you voting for Wish Upon. Thank you also for giving me this moment of publicly telling a certain someone that I told you so. Which is not to say that I don’t like Christmas Come Again, I do – I like…

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Old Game, New Name

I’ve been percolating this one for a while, trying to wrap my head around an idea, how to present it in a way it makes sense. Whether I’m quite there yet remains to be seen, but here goes… It all started with a conversation I had a while back with Dave over at Rolling around…

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Oh, Grow Up!

A couple of weeks ago, when I was being nice to my shoulder and not working, I was idly flipping channels, marveling at the dreck that is daytime TV and came upon The Doctors, a collection of alarmingly good-looking alleged medical professionals giving advice to the masses. One of the doctors is a plastic surgeon,…

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Master of Our Domain

Have you heard of Zach Anner? If not, you’re in for a treat. But first, a soapbox moment. Or two. The other day, I got one of those inspirational e-mails that circle the Internet on a regular basis. This one was a story about a blind boy sitting by a building with a hat by…

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