Blog Articles About Rant

Two Rants

The last week’s been interesting, news-wise. Two issues in particular have poked at my rant gland and today seems like a good day for sharing. (rant gland?? Is there such a thing?). Rant #1: the G-20 summit. Or rather, the G-20 security budget. For those of you not living in Toronto and/or obsessively checking news…

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A rant about the laziness of TV writers when portraying disability

A Very Special Victim: Why I Stopped Watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Updated April 19, 2021 I stopped watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit a long time ago, after a blogger names Twisty (who alas seems to not be publishing anymore) described it as Law & Order: Mutilated Women’s Unit and just couldn’t get that out of my head. Earlier this week, I happened to see…

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Some Snow, A Rant & I Repeat Myself

I have a vague recollection of having had a wee rant about a similar event before, not just on the phone to friends or in person, but quite possibly in this space sometime last winter, but it bears repeating. So we’ve had some snow coming and by the time you read this, it’s arrived, made…

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Restaurant Etiquette

I stumbled over this nifty post on a New York Times blog – the New York Times has blogs??? Written by Bruce Buschel who’s about to open a restaurant, it’s 100 Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do (split into two parts – the second post here – to prevent reader exhaustion) and…. I loved it….

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Pain is Pain is Pain

I’d intended to write about something else altogether today, but a couple of things happened that decided a change of topic. I’ve been on a bit of a Stephen Fry kick – watched Stephen Fry in America earlier this year and absolutely loved it, watched the last episode of Last Chance to See this past…

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A Rant Revisited

I subscribe to a number of HealthCentral writers and a couple of days ago, got the latest notification that Karen Lee Richards (who writes about fibromyalgia and chronic pain) had written another post. It turns out that it was an alert mentioning that Dr. Oz has a segment about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome on…

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Bonfire Planned, Bring Your Own Kindling

And she’s off on a rant again…. In Monday evening when I was vaguely skimming the paper, seeing what had happened during my four-day absence from anything not exhibit-related (I still giggle when placing em and an exhibit in the same sentence – bear with me for a bit longer, okay?), I came upon this…

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Too Far. Just Too, Too Far

I’d planned to write about something else today, but got majorly sidetracked by a fit of apoplexy. I’m on a couple of email lists and one of the members is an older gentleman, quite conservative, who delights in sending really awful jokes (that are often so awful that they’re very funny) and sometimes, he sends…

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Woe, oh Woe am I. Not.

About six months ago, I finally gave in and joined the Canadian version of Netflix. I’d resisted because I tend to watch movies based on what I’m in the mood for and that’s not something you can do when you never know what’s arriving next in your mailbox. However, my local video store now has…

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Suspicion and Control

An FDA panel recently recommended lowering the maximum recommended daily dose of acetaminophen, a measure intended to decrease the number of accidental overdose related liver failure. They also recommended other things, among them to withdraw acetaminophen combination narcotics like Vicodin and Percocet from the market, as one study indicated that most such overdoses involved these…

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This is completely ridiculous. We’ve had a cold spring up here in Toronto. When I say cold cold, I mean about 10° colder than the seasonal average and that’s in metric, not Fahrenheit. I heard a reliable report that last Monday, it snowed in Huntsville (which is about 150 km/100miles from Toronto). Snow, I ask…

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Calling In Miscommunicated

The snooze alarm had been going off for half an hour before it finally penetrated my brain enough to make me wonder what time it was. I peered blearily at the alarm clock with one eye, an act which suddenly made both eyes open wide so fast I may have sprained an eyelid. It was…

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