
Bonfire Planned, Bring Your Own Kindling

And she’s off on a rant again….

In Monday evening when I was vaguely skimming the paper, seeing what had happened during my four-day absence from anything not exhibit-related (I still giggle when placing em and an exhibit in the same sentence – bear with me for a bit longer, okay?), I came upon this article which tells the story of the Toronto Public School Board looking into a complaint about To Kill a Mockingbird. Apparently, some dimwit – and clearly I have no problems with broadcasting my particular bias early – wants it banned. This book has previously been pulled from the grade 10 English curriculum by the Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board in response to the parents complained about the use of the n-word.


If a book, as described in the article, “chronicles racial injustice in the American deep south” during a specific era, why on earth would you ban it because of the N-word? Is the n-word in this book not a vital component of chronicling racial injustice? If you’re trying to teach adolescents about racism and its historical evolution, why would you even think of omitting literature – nevermind something that’s considered a classic – that actually makes the experience of racism visceral and real that way only a great story can?